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100 Faces of Women Revealed
Each face represents a powerful story of faith and transformation…ripple effects of fundamental change and influence that extend far beyond a single Woman.
These are but a few of the Women who were able to receive support, resources, and life-giving connection during the unprecedented (and continuing) fallout from the Pandemic-Era. Women Revealed dug in and found a way to continue our retreat experiences, workshops, small groups and trainings. As a result, as we enter the Post-Pandemic Era, financial challenges persist. …
…and so, we have a very important ask…
A Message from Debbie…
Dear Friends,
I co-founded this beloved Women’s organization in 2006. What began as a transformational weekend experience has blossomed into an organization that now provides weekend retreats, workshops, small groups, and trainings that bring emotional healing, support and empowerment for individuals and their families.
I am GRATEFUL to report that our “boutique organization” dug in and survived the financially difficult years during the pandemic!
We were able to continue to provide small weekend experiences, workshops, small groups, and trainings, in addition to scholarship assistance for Women who were (and still are) experiencing financial hardship.
We need your gift to Women Revealed to ensure our sustainability. I appreciate your support!
Many blessings to you and your family.
Debbie Holcomb
Co-Founder of Women Revealed