MASTERING Speaking Truth with LOVE (Gold Group-Installments)

MASTERING Speaking Truth with LOVE (Gold Group-Installments)

$120.00 every month for 4 months

A 16 week Small Group Empowerment Journey

Join us for this virtual small group curriculum as we dive deep into processing our emotions and histories in order to rise up and speak our truth with equal parts love, grace, and power.

We will begin our journey with an exploration into our Emotional IQ and mastering various processing tools to enrich our relationships and our personal growth journey. 

We will take time to get to know each other with even DEEPER dives into our life history and personal inventory. We will honor where we have been, grieve and forgive what should have been, and move forward with new insights about love, connection, support, and what we need to truly break free and THRIVE. 

Additionally, we will learn and practice communication skills that will allow us to speak TRUTHFULLY and respectfully, as we thoughtfully set boundaries in many different areas of our lives. The goal of this curriculum is to empower us to speak truth (ALWAYS) and stay connected to the essence of our love while doing so. 

These groups possess a flexible format to make room for life’s “unexpecteds”. Since this group is a longer duration than others (16 weeks), we will take breaks for holidays and necessary seasons of rest to focus on health/our families.

Offered Thursday 7-8:30pm CST on Zoom

If you would like to pay for this group in full for a discounted rate please click here
